Watch the Film and Take Action

WATCH: Maine citizens triumph over the political establishment determined to block their historic Ranked Choice Voting law.

This is a beautiful and compelling story about what the People can do. Against all odds, the people in Maine force the politicians to listen. If only “as Maine goes, so goes the Nation”!
—Lawrence Lessig

Directed by Julie Mallozzi and produced by Scotty Vercoe, The Battle for Ranked Choice Voting was made possible by a generous grant from the Election Reformers Network and 60 individual crowd-funders.

JOIN: help us build Ranked Choice Voting movements in all 50 states.

Our team has already co-founded over 20 statewide RCV organizations and are coaching several more using our unique "capacity growth" playbook. But we're hitting resource constraints. We need your help to hire more organizers, expand our reach, and prepare these states to be successful.

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